Thursday, May 23, 2013

Grandma Meik

For my Van Dyck Brown print I chose to do a photo I took of my Grandma's living room.
This assignment turned into a pretty emotional experience. Working with this photo made me remember her house, full of art and beautiful things. This room is where my extended family would all gather to have the white elephant gift exchange every Christmas. This room is where the Easter Bunny left my basket to wake up to. This is the room I was told many times not to run in. I don't think the furniture in this room was ever rearranged in my lifetime. Grandma's house was such a comfort in my life. Things were always where they needed to be. Important bills under her placemat, Big Red gum in her purse and walls covered with art.

I love the power photographs have. 
It's refreshing and exhausting when a photograph provokes so much emotion.
To some this photo may seem ordinary, but it means a lot to me.
I miss my Grandma and I think about her often.
I'm so grateful for the home she made for her family to enjoy.


  1. Making me cry! I love this post Mel--beautiful tribute to Grandma Meik.

  2. Making me cry too... love this post and this pic. You're awesome, Mel. We owe you big time for capturing so many amazing angles and aspects of gma's house.
