Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas break (part one)

These last two weeks have been a whirlwind. 
In a good way.
So I don't overwhelm myself with how to organize posts in a creative way... I will just break down Christmas break like this:
-the drive home
-the week Chris and I got married(I'm a wife!)
-whatever is left over.
I try to make this blog cool, organized and easy to jump into but I sometimes I get the opposite results. haha. Here's to an attempt!

Photographed: bits of Nevada/ Donner Pass

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


We are fans of Parks and Recreation over here and we often quote episodes.
Earlier in the season there was an episode where Tom was in court because he got in an accident while tweeting. Typical Tom.

"Hashtag: blessed" has been one of the most quoted lines of the season. We crack up every time one of us uses it. We think we are hilarious.
Our time up here at school has been an adventure.
In a good way.
We knew when we got here that we would need to get jobs pronto.
We both hooked jobs in September at the Rexburg Opinion Center.
We were SO HAPPY to get jobs. We even scheduled to work the same shifts.
Is it wrong that we don't get sick of each other?
I guess that's what two years apart from each other does to us.
The first month was decent, we were just happy to be employed part time. Then hurricane Sandy happened. Since our call center usually calls the east during our shift we were out of work for almost two weeks. It was nice to have the break from the phones but not from the money. After phone lines were up and running again we had LOTS of work to do. This is when we started hating our jobs.
We started looking for new jobs, but the timing was a little off. We are about to go home for 2 1/2 weeks for the wedding, honeymoon and Christmas. We thought we would have to work for another month AT LEAST until something else came along. 
Then a miracle happened. My friend said her work was looking for someone to fill a full-time position next semester on campus. In no time Chris had sent his resume and I started praying he would get this job. In a week or less Chris had the interview and was offered the job! This is where "hashtag: blessed" comes into play.

We truly live such a blessed life. 
Chris will be able to work 40 hours a week and I will be able to stop being a telemarketer. 

Friday, November 30, 2012

Thanksgiving trip to Tahoe

Thanksgiving week Chris and I drove from Rexburg to Tahoe. There we met with my family and squeezed eight people into a four person cabin. 
During our four day visit we ate, talked, took lots of photos, played dominoes, watched 20/20, addressed wedding invitations, ate turkey sandwiches, watched the newest Twilight movie, explored the beach and then ate pie. It was a nice/needed break from school.
 Isn't he handsome?
I love my family.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Lake Tahoe

I spent Thanksgiving with my family in Lake Tahoe.
It. Was. Beautiful.

I'm not a huge sun-setty photo kind of person but this ended up being my favorite shot of the Lake all week. It is probably because I didn't have to edit it at all. I love it when I'm just happy with the raw shot. 
No tweeking. Just as it is. 

That's how I like it.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Replaying inside my head

A week and a half ago I shot a wedding and this song was performed by John Peter Lewis and Ryan Hayes.
It has been in my head ever since.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Autumn afternoon

When I uploaded these photos they got all jumbled and out of order.
Sorry about that.
This afternoon Chris and I went to explore.
 It included rock skipping, tree climbing and photo taking.
This is what it looked like: 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

General Conference weekend

This last weekend Chris and I traveled to Utah. We visited his mission buddies and both of our families.   It was nice to meet the people I hear stories about and it made me so happy to spend time with family.

Sunday afternoon we had the opportunity to watch a session of General Conference live. It was my first time being there in person. It was a great feeling to be part of a mass of people gathering to listen to the words of the Prophet and his Apostles. I am so grateful for the freedom to worship in my own way.
I love the Gospel.
If you have ever been curious about what is taught at General Conference feel free to watch!