Wednesday, September 20, 2017

A passing storm in B&W

Yesterday the kids and I went on a little drive to get out of the house and we timed it perfectly with a passing hail storm. The kids loved the excitement of the high winds and hail pounding on their windows. I loved the creative break during the day. Win-win.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Pause VI

It has been awhile! Like over a year-awhile, yikes.
Today I have been busy updating this blog and my photography blog (check out the icon on the right) and my house is proof. It's amazing what two kids can do to a house in a day.

This is Scout. He is almost 5 months old.
Puppies. Are. Hard.
Something about house training a puppy while potty training a toddler.
We did not think that one through....
Since keeping him outside during the day we've all gotten along much better. He has more space to roam, and I have one less thing to manage in the home. Now onto figuring out what the arrangement will be once it gets too cold to have him outside during the day. Any tips?