Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Autumn afternoon

When I uploaded these photos they got all jumbled and out of order.
Sorry about that.
This afternoon Chris and I went to explore.
 It included rock skipping, tree climbing and photo taking.
This is what it looked like: 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

General Conference weekend

This last weekend Chris and I traveled to Utah. We visited his mission buddies and both of our families.   It was nice to meet the people I hear stories about and it made me so happy to spend time with family.

Sunday afternoon we had the opportunity to watch a session of General Conference live. It was my first time being there in person. It was a great feeling to be part of a mass of people gathering to listen to the words of the Prophet and his Apostles. I am so grateful for the freedom to worship in my own way.
I love the Gospel.
If you have ever been curious about what is taught at General Conference feel free to watch!

A lot to say and share

I have lots of thoughts I want to express and photos to share.
I'll start off with some fall photos.

I took these only about a week ago.
While taking photos I have moments of getting up close and personal with nature. Laying in dirt, climbing up trees and balancing on rocks. 
The things I will do for a photo. 
I also have great moments of walking away from the scene to get the bigger picture. 
Both perspectives are special. Taking the time to appreciate the little things is calming. When I look at the big picture my mind explodes from the greatness of it all. In a good way, of course.
I wish I could put into words how I feel about nature better.
Just know that I love it.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Autumn has fallen upon Rexburg.
Today the high was 56 degrees with a generous breeze.
That rhymes.
The trees are loaded with yellows and the ground will be soon.
Today when I was having some alone time with my camera I thought about the things I want to do.
I really want to focus on exploring the places around myself. 
Sometimes I may think I have photographed every corner of Rexburg and even some of the next city over but I know there are more secret spots to be found in this little town.
I want to find and see new things in this familiar place.
What do you want to do this season?

This video makes me happy.