Thursday, May 30, 2013

Rexburg Animal Shelter

For my Photo III class I am doing a documentary photography project where I take photos of the Rexburg Animal Shelter. I've really been enjoying this project. It gives me more reason to work with film and spend time with dogs. These photos are from my first two visits. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Grandma Meik

For my Van Dyck Brown print I chose to do a photo I took of my Grandma's living room.
This assignment turned into a pretty emotional experience. Working with this photo made me remember her house, full of art and beautiful things. This room is where my extended family would all gather to have the white elephant gift exchange every Christmas. This room is where the Easter Bunny left my basket to wake up to. This is the room I was told many times not to run in. I don't think the furniture in this room was ever rearranged in my lifetime. Grandma's house was such a comfort in my life. Things were always where they needed to be. Important bills under her placemat, Big Red gum in her purse and walls covered with art.

I love the power photographs have. 
It's refreshing and exhausting when a photograph provokes so much emotion.
To some this photo may seem ordinary, but it means a lot to me.
I miss my Grandma and I think about her often.
I'm so grateful for the home she made for her family to enjoy.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

One of those really good days

Today has been one of those REALLY good days.
I had a good time making a salted print in historical processes.
Chris made a yummy dinner.
I bought an antler from the D.I.
(I think we should put in on a mantel, Chris thinks it should go in his man cave. One thing.... We don't have a mantel or man cave.)
I also bought a cool pan and set of two beautiful ceramic bowls!
D.I. is the best. I wasn't kidding when I said it was a good day..
On top of it all, our plant collection grew by two today.
I love days like today.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A rainy day spent inside

Every now and again rainy days are really nice.
I guess it depends on what your plans are for the day.
In our case, it was a Sunday and there were no plans in sight.
The house was calm and quiet.
Outside made pitter patter sounds and was bright green.
It was a nice Sunday.
I'm still working on filling that circle photo frame.... 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Rexburg LDS Temple

The Temple is such a wonderful place.
Talk about never ending learning.
Sometimes I whine about living in Rexburg, but then I think about how blessed we are to live SO CLOSE to the Temple. It's definitely one of the redeeming qualities of this town. 

You can learn more about LDS Temples here.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Historical Photographic Processes

This semester I am taking a historical photographic processes class. 
These are the scans of my first assignment. The first is a toned cyanotype, the second is a normal cyanotype, and the third is another toned cyanotype. To make these prints we coat a paper with some chemicals, place our negative on top and expose it to light, then we put the paper into a series of more chemicals and wallah! You have a cool print! 

This class has been opening my mind to unique ways of creating prints, and I am loving it. Going through all the steps really makes me appreciate the final outcome much more. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A midweek adventure with the Sherwoods

Yesterday we went on a hike with the Sherwood family.
This hike came at the perfect time. Exploring this new place was such a nice break from school and a nice reminder to enjoy Idaho. I've had a love-hate relationship with Eastern Idaho for the last four years. For the most part it breaks down to me hating winter, but loving all the other seasons here. As more time passes I am seeing more and more beautiful pieces of Idaho. It's days like yesterday that remind me that I live in a beautiful state.

Thank you Brit and Garrett for showing us such a cool place.
And thank you Sal for being ridiculously cute all the time.