Thursday, April 25, 2013

R Mountain

Last weekend Chris and I hiked R mountain.
 The SAND SIDE of R mountain. 
Let me explain...
I'm out of shape.... okay that's about all the explaining there is.
Despite me not being fit, we made it to the top. 
This hike reinforced my opinion of having the best husband in the world. 
How you say?
-He stopped every 10 minutes for me to catch my breath
-He stopped every 2 minutes for me to snap a photo
-He held my hand down the mountain so I wouldn't fall and break my camera
For someone who could have hiked the mountain in half the time we did, he was extremely kind.
I love him.


  1. Dear Melanie,

    I love reading your blog! It's so cute and fun. And I had the very same experience hiking R mountain with my husband. They're so great arn't they?


  2. Thanks! Husbands really are the best! :)
